Two Students Seated on the Grass



The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program was established in July 2018. It combined funding from three distinct programs into one bucket with the goal of providing colleges more flexibility in spending related to equity and student services. 去年, district funding for the SEA program was based on 17-18 allocations of 学生服务 and Support Program (SSSP) funds, Student Equity funds and Basic Skills funds.

The 学生服务 Division of the Chancellor's Office conducted SEA Program training in the fall of 2018, providing guidance on program legislation, 支出, 还有学生权益计划. Colleges had the opportunity to provide feedback about challenges faced in implementing the program. 和任何新项目一样, there was still much to be determined, which lead the Chancellor's Office to establish a SEA program workgroup - an expansion of the SSSP committee.

Representatives from each region and constituency joined the group and worked together over the 18-19 year to create recommendations on the following key components of the SEA program: policy alignment, 资金的公式, MIS数据审核, 学生教育计划, 以及年度报告. Each subgroup submitted its final recommendations to the Chancellor's Office in early July.


The student equity plan was suspended by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office on July 5, 2016, 与一个 整合 SSSP, Basic Skills, and Student Equity efforts. In line with the mandate, Los Angeles Valley College has created an integrated plan.

Details of the plan and corresponding committee can be found on the Valley Integrated Planning Committee website below.


Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) is committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to achieve the same level of success regardless of demographic factors that put some students a disadvant年龄.

The student equity plan is in line with the LAVC Educational Master Plan (EMP). The opportunity to explore student equity through the assignment given by the Chancellor’s Office, with the generous support of the state, provides us with further data and resources to address student equity gaps.

The California Community College Chancellor’s Office has identified the following target groups: African-American, 拉丁美洲人, 男性和女性, 退伍军人, 培养青年, 需求方, 低收入家庭学生.

The Los Angeles Valley Equity Committee was charged with the task of completing this plan and included the following members:


Florentino Manzano (VP 学生服务), Llanet Martin (Associate Dean Student Equity), 冬青古怪的, 詹姆斯平淡, 弗农桥, 史蒂夫·卡斯蒂略, 安娜Cheshmedzhyan, Andres Cruzalegui, 凯伦Daar, Marco De La Garza, 西尔维亚·迪亚兹, 黛博拉DiCesare, 阿什利·邓恩, 米歇尔家禽, 梅根·卡森·盖纳, 芭芭拉·戈德堡, 克莱夫·戈登, 大卫•格林, 约翰·卡瓦依, 黛博拉·凯耶, 凯瑟琳·特赫达·梅, Sheyda Melkonian, 约书亚•米勒, Keidra莫里斯, 罗纳德·Mossler, 伊丽莎白·纳格力特, 雪莉·罗德里格斯, La Vergne Rosow, 拉奎尔桑切斯, 丽贝卡·斯坦, 约瑟夫·托马斯。, 乔尔Trudgeon, 茱莉亚Mendoza-Vasquez, 比尔沃利斯, 斯科特Weigand, Amari Williams and appointed ASO Student Representative.